Shooting lessons and Clinics

Doug Manzer provides clay shooting instruction with Journey Afield.
Structured guidance accelerates growth.
— Doug Manzer

Becoming an effective wing shot begins with balance and connecting the movement of our body with the bird. Our movement is a reflection of the bird’s movement, and the fundamentals of footwork, posture, rotation and gun mount all work in harmony to attain that connection. We’re all built a bit different and your stance is your own, but a curated approach will help you apply several underlying principles that enable you to achieve perfect balance through any shot.

Applying vision effectively is a pillar of good shooting. The way we first detect the bird differs from how we see the bird to finish the shot. Understanding this difference and purposely applying our vision is a learned skill that needs to be developed.

There are several approaches to attaining lead and, with practice, any of the methods can be applied on demand and executed without conscious thought to achieve what many consider to be an instinctive shot. The shot becomes instinctive once you’ve practiced enough that the act of moving in time with the bird becomes subconscious and we place our visual attention on the bird rather than consciously applying lead. The instinctive part comes through learning and repetition, rather than an inherent gift from the cradle.

Overall, we help you develop the foundation to become a consistent shot that will develop into an instinctive delivery you can rely on time and again.

Our movement is a reflection of the bird’s movement, and as we learn to move in time with the bird our connection heightens while making the shot simpler, and this boosts confidence for anyone pursuing winged game or clays.
— Doug Manzer

Overview - Lessons & Clinics

Clay shooting lessons with Journey Afield
wing shooting shooting lessons with Journey Afield

Individual Lessons

Whether you’ve never held a shotgun or you’re an experienced Gun looking for greater consistency, these sessions are tailored to you. Individual lessons focus on your objectives while developing at your pace, whether that’s building the fundamentals, preparing for an upcoming charity shoot, or honing your gun mount for a wingshooting safari in Alberta or South Africa. We’ll cover the foundational aspects involved, while mentoring you to develop and diagnose your own progress.

Individual clay shooting lessons commonly run two hours, and are often held at Silver Willow Sporting Clays, Carstairs, Alberta. Other locations can be arranged.

Small Group Lessons

Small group sessions enable two or three friends or family members to learn together. This provides an additional point of view to learn from while observing as others receive feedback, which can be a particularly effective learning perspective. Sessions are two hour minimums, although three hour timeslots work well with two or more shooters. Contact for availability and pricing. These lessons are often held at Silver Willow Sporting Clays, near Carstairs, Alberta, although other locations can be arranged.

If you have a larger group in mind please get in touch to assess if we can arrange a format that will meet your needs.

Following the session shooters will receive feedback and recommendations to move forward.

Clay shooting instruction and wingshooting clinics with Journey Afield

Wing Shooting Clinics

Wingshooting is our life-long passion and we welcome the opportunity to share this experience with you through one of our clinics. These are half and full-day events that provide the opportunity for more in-depth discussion and practice in a small group environment. These offerings include small-group seminars, interactive discussions, curated practice on clays with tailored setups, as well as breaks and lunch to provide time to interact with others.

Clinics are split into four levels of personal development, from those beginning their wingshooting journey to others who are very experienced clay and game shots but want to perform more consistently day to day. These sessions are limited to 2-4 participants and held at Silver Willow Sporting Clays, Alberta.

Clinics aren’t just an event, but an investment in your passion and personal growth!

wingshooting for upland gamebirds with Journey Afield


Journey Afield



- Journey Afield - Clinics


Clinics are full-days with a variety of learning approaches while moving back and forth between the lodge and clay ground, including discussions and your input. You supply your own ammo, roughly 100-200 rounds, with gun rentals and ammo available to purchase on site.

Wingshooting Clinics


Connecting to the bird

Recap of upland clinic with Blood Origins Canada

Shooting lessons for all ages

Foundation Clinic

Helping you to develop a base that you can rely on time and again enabling you to build confidence as you develop as a Gun.